This Web-only exclusive offers 27 quick steps in the catalog production process worth considering.
1. Determine unique selling proposition.
2. Define editorial position.
3. Determine catalog look.
4. Complete square-inch analysis.
5. Preliminarily review continuation product.
6. Preliminarily review new products.
7. Prepare product information sheets.
8. Review pick-up copy and presentation.
9. Paginate and allocate space.
10. Finalize merchandise selection.
11. Present initial design concepts.
12. Layout catalog, first draft.
13. Design order form.
14. Revise layouts, second draft.
15. Write manuscript copy.
16. Plan the photo shoot.
17. Shoot new photography.
18. Revise manuscript copy.
19. Finalize pricing, sizing, etc.
20. Finalize photo picks.
21. Prepare composed pages, first draft.
22. Proof loose color.
23. Revise composed pages, second draft.
24. Finalize composed pages.
25. Create version changes (if any).
26. Proof composed color and type.
27. Proof on-press.
Bill Licata is president of LCH Direct Inc., a direct marketing agency specializing in catalogs and e-commerce. You can reach him at (505) 989-9451 or via e-mail at