Is your company leading the way when it comes to employee compensation, or is it contributing to the gender wage gap?

The first of its kind, Total Retail's 2016 Salary Benchmark Report provides insight into the factors impacting employees' salaries in the retail industry. In this report, you'll find answers to the following and much more:
  • Is the retail industry contributing to the nationwide gender wage gap?
  • Is there a disparity between the financial benefits women receive compared to men?
  • Does age impact an individuals salary or financial benefit opportunities?
This report serves as a tool for both retail employers and employees and is comprised of salary data across a number of variables. In addition to the variables mentioned above, this report also takes into account company size, experience, department and retail vertical, among others.

Whether you're considering changing the compensation packages at your company or maximizing your own earning potential, Total Retail's Salary Benchmark Report provides the data you need. It's time to empower yourself and your organization.